Friday, June 27, 2008

I hate my husband

he knew how much I wanted a kitten. After a while he finally let me get one and then 3 days later he made me get rid of it because he didnt want to pay for it and he hates cats...well ALL animals. I am so hurt and dissappointed. He said he would not do that and then he turns around and does it anyways. I hate him right now. The only persons feelings he cares about are his own, he doesnt care how much I cried over that kitten...only that he got his way, as always.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


My husband brought me a kitten today. I was surprised, my husband hates animals but he knows how much I love cats. I have had cats since I was a kid. He is orange and white tabby who we have dubbed Sawyer. He is going to spend most of his time hanging out with my daughter though. I wanted her to have him since her cat Baron died several months ago and she never really got over it. Baron was hit by a car. But Sawyer is going to be a complete house cat, we are even going to go so far as to declaw him
My daughter is pretty happy and hasnt come downstairs all evening.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

my dad

Found these old pictures of my dad. The first one is after he married my mom in 1964, the others are from when he was stationed in Vietnam, before he met my mother. I believe they are from 1958-9 but there was no date on the pictures.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

more old family pictures Tin types

These are some old Tintype photos. they are really interesting since they are on "tin" these are of my great great grandfather and we believe two of his children. Not sure if the little one is my great grandmother or not.

Friday, June 6, 2008

finding old pictures

I am on a family project to scan all our old pictures. I found this one of my dad. I miss him so much.

my kids

I love this picture of my kids!!! They are getting so grown up..:depressed: It all goes by so fast.
Llywellyn will be 15 in August, Zackary will be 18 in December and Harrison just turned 12 this last April. I love the fact that they are getting so big but at the sametime it is upsetting to watch them move away from you.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Rain rain go away

UGH!!! More rain this week. I am really beginning to wonder if this is the Amazon. We have had sooooo much rain and the heat! Its going to be 93 today and its only the 4th of June!

We are going to the zoo today with our umbrellas to look at wet animals and smell wet fur.

Sunday, June 1, 2008


My oldest son..Zack...just gave me one of those guy knuckle punches..OWWWW!!! His fist makes two of mine!! What was I thinking!!!!