Thursday, June 4, 2009

And the results are in

It has now been a full year that I have been unemployeed, not counting working as a sub. I graduated last May with my Master of Art degree in history. Whoopie.

I havent been able to find ANYTHING..nada..unemployment here is 9.5 %, there are no big businesses in the area except car manufacturers...oh yes they are declaring backruptcy.
And no one is hiring unless you have lots of experience or know someones brothers cousins girlfriend.

I am trying not to get down about it. Positive thinking. But its hard. My oldest son starts college in the fall and we are trying to figure out how to get him a car so that he doesnt have to take the metrolink since there have been a handful of hold ups at the stations near us. Thank goodness he wanted to start with the local community college.

Now for something completely different:

I am drawing again. yay!
I have also started a goregous garden in the backyard with my mothers help. I am sooo happy with it.
I have also cut all my hair off. I look just like I stepped out of the early 1900's...its pretty cool though the curls are crazy.
My trip to visit my sister sucked. God her life is a mess. Makes me feel great about mine though. :grin:
And I am watching Deadlist Catch...I love that show.